Crystal meth is a potent and highly addictive stimulant known as an amphetamine. It can be consumed through various methods such as snorting, smoking, injecting (also known as slamming), or administering it through the anus (referred to as booty bumping). In the context of chemsex, tina is another term used to describe crystal meth.
When ingested, crystal meth triggers the release of norepinephrine, the brain’s stress hormone, as well as dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for generating feelings of pleasure. As a result, individuals may experience heightened sensations, increased energy, heightened confidence, impulsivity, reduced sensitivity to pain, and an enhanced libido accompanied by diminished inhibitions.
One of the effects of crystal meth is appetite suppression and elevated levels of energy, allowing users to go for extended periods without eating or sleeping. It is often utilized within the context of prolonged sexual encounters and is also prevalent in the clubbing scene.
Sex on Crystal Meth
Crystal, also known as methamphetamine, can cause intense and prolonged sexual arousal in individuals. Crystal can make people feel extremely sexually aroused for long periods. using this drug When using this drug, people may engage in behaviors they wouldn’t normally consider, increasing their risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. Additionally, methamphetamine use often leads to difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection and experiencing ejaculation in men. Over time, it can make it challenging for individuals to imagine engaging in sexual activities without being under the influence of methamphetamine, impacting their ability to engage in sober sexual experiences.
Health risks of Crystal Meth
- Long or rougher crystal-fuelled sex sessions can cause the genitals, mouth or anus to become irritated, sore or bleed. This may not be noticed at the time, but it can increase the risk of HIV Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections being passed on.
- Due to increased body temperature, heartbeat and blood pressure, it can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, coma or death.
- Comedowns can leave a person exhausted, aggressive and paranoid, in some cases even suicidal.
- People can develop stomach problems such as acid reflux or gastritis due to not eating for a long period of time.
- With long-term use, crystal meth can damage the lungs, nose and mouth and lead to lasting mental health problems, even after quitting the drug. It can also interact dangerously with other recreational and prescription drugs.
- People may find quitting crystal very difficult and its effects on the brain can last long after giving the drug up.
Injecting / Slamming
- Injecting is best avoided. It’s the quickest way to get addicted and runs the risk of serious health problems. Causing skin abscesses, collapsed veins, blood poisoning and heart infections.
- Never share injecting equipment as there’s a high risk of HIV, Hepatitis C and other infections.
- Using hot pipes might injure your mouth and if you share them it risks passing on infections like hepatitis C and HIV.
NA Have run a number of meetings every day in the UK and Ireland. There are LGBTQ+ Meetings You do not need to book an appointment to attend a meeting, you just turn up.
If using drugs is causing problems in your life NA can help. NA exists solely so that its members can support each other to stay drug free and to help others achieve and maintain a drug free recovery and lifestyle.
NA is free, it costs nothing to attend our meetings.
Maybe you have already heard something about NA, or this is your first look at NA. Either way we welcome you to come along to a meeting, meet other recovering addicts, and find out for yourself if we have something to offer you.
A desire to stop using, a willingness to change and a little effort in attending meetings will get you off to a good start.
Crystal Meth Anonymous
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) UK is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope, so that they may solve their common problem, and help others to recover from, addiction to crystal meth. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using.
There are no fees for CMA membership and we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Our primary purpose is to lead a sober life and to carry the message of recovery to the crystal meth addict who still suffers.
We are a support group for anyone recovering from drug addiction.
We’re here if you use chems for sex and want some support.
Anyone already registered with us can book an initial 20 minute phone assessment with one of our expert team.
Call our appointments line on 020 3315 5656.
A safe confidential space is provided to consider;
· Risk reduction (e.g. GBL dependency or overdose and Crystal meth & mental health)
· Reducing chems use.
· Stopping chems.
· Support with relapse prevention.
We offer in house short term work and referral to specialist groups and services.